What Our Clients Say
Jim Schlight President & CEO, Simply Inspired Software, Inc. Simply Inspired Software, Inc., is a software development firm. For the past several years, we have been nothing short of delighted with the legal services provided by Carolyn Anderson. Legal matters are a mystery to us, and Carolyn is careful to explain in plain English the underlying principles of every decision we make so we’re never in the dark. We trust Carolyn implicitly to look after the Company’s best interests. But more importantly, we trust Carolyn to ensure all of our business dealings are conducted with the highest levels of honesty, fairness and integrity. Martha Phelps Cotton Former Executive Director Fine Arts at EarthTeach Forest Park “Fine Arts at EarthTeach was an arts education program which served children, families and the greater community. We were tremendously grateful for our association with Carolyn Anderson. For three years, Carolyn provided wise counsel on employment issues and she drafted several employment agreements and contracts for our non-profit. Her no-nonsense approach produced results quickly. It was a high priority for us to collaborate with people who inspire integrity and positive working relationships, and Carolyn consistently met these expectations. She helped us take care of the Fine Arts faculty and staff, while always looking out for the greater good and the welfare of the entire program.” Diane Zieser, Vice President Senior Trust Officer South Valley Bank & Trust |